May 7, 2004

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George's great great grandfather Charles F. Weinmann
also fought in the Civil War. He joined Company H, 9th
New York Volunteers;
also known as the Hawkins' Zouaves from New York City.
The regiment wore the type of uniform worn by
George when they went off to war.

Ellsworth's First Fire Zouaves also came from New York.
They were New York City Firemen.
Among the Civil War artifacts brought to the class
is the top of an Ellsworth Fire Zouave
flag standard (flagpole) which once carried the flag that
led the Fire Zouaves into battle. The flag standard
was cut many years ago when it was made into a
presentation piece as a gift to the Grand Army of the Republic
who were veterans of the Civil War.
It has been passed down to the
Oliver Tilden Camp No. 26,
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

Students hold Ellsworth Fire Zouave flag standard.

Mascots had many duties.

"STONEWALL" was a Confederate Mascot. He was a Jack Russell Terrier.
He made his soldier friends laugh as he stood at attention with his pipe.
During battle he was placed in an empty ammunition box for protection.
Mascots tried to make their friends laugh during times that were
frightening and sad.

"SALLIE" was a Union Mascot. She was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
She went to battle with the Union's 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Army.
Sallie was at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
with her fallen comrades licking the wounds of the injured and
standing watch over them. Sallie kept watch over her friends
for three days without food or water.
There is a statue in honor of Sallie in Gettysburg Battlefield.


Statue of Sallie at Gettysburg Battlefield.

Janice with Old Abe the eagle. Old Abe's mother was killed
by the Indians. Old Abe was a young eaglet at that time. Old Abe
was sold to a family as a pet for their children. The teenage
like eagle became a problem and was sold for $2.50 to the Eight
Wisconsin Volunteers as a mascot. Old Abe arrived in
Madison Wisconsin with his new regiment. As they marched
to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy, Old Abe grabbed at the
end of the flag with his beak and flapped his wings. Everyone
was impressed by this majestic sight.

Lithograph by Don Troiani - Eagle of the Eighth

Old Abe took part in 37 battles next to the flag
as shown in this lithograph.

Old Abe became an orphan when Old Abe's mother was killed.
After the war Old Abe participated in parades with the
Civil War Veterans. Old Abe helped the Veterans
raise money to care for the Civil War orphans
whose fathers were killed during the War.

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Brooklyn, New York 11222-0378

Janice Lauletta-Weinmann, President, Webmaster
George J. Weinmann, Webmaster

Copyright © 2002 Janice & George J. Weinmann
All Rights Reserved.